Investing in
our communities
& businesses
Delivering regional economic regeneration
Far North Holdings Limited is the commercial trading and asset management arm of Far North District Council (FNDC).
We manage a diverse range of property, maritime and transport assets right across the district on behalf of Far North ratepayers.
We also play another important role, using our assets and expertise to boost investment and employment in the region for the benefit of our communities and our local businesses.
our region

World-Class Maritime Excellence
A flagship of maritime excellence, The Bay of Islands Marina is a 400-berth facility on the threshold of one of New Zealand’s premier marine playgrounds.
Proudly owned and managed by Far North Holdings Limited, The Bay of Islands Marina and adjacent Opua Marine Park cater to both local enthusiasts and international visitors, ensuring a world-class experience at every sailing.

into the
Our airports play a crucial role as gateways, connecting the region and driving growth and prosperity within the community.
Far North Holdings owns The Bay of Islands Kerikeri Airport and manages Kaitaia Airport on behalf of FNDC.
Our commitment remains steadfast in maintaining and enhancing these crucial assets to bolster future connectivity.
Northern Housing Ltd
building houses
& creating homes
New Zealand's first co-owned & co-built community housing
The final stage of ‘Te Kohekohe’ the groundbreaking Kaikohe community housing development has now opened.
Offering 60 units to those in need of safe, warm, affordable housing, the development is the first of its kind, being co-owned and co-built between a council owned organisation and Iwi in New Zealand.
The partnership between Northern Housing a subsidiary of Far North Holdings Limited and Te Hau Ora o Ngāpuhi, has demonstrated the value of combining property development and construction expertise with a long-held vision and wrap-around community support services.
our latest news

partnering with
iwi and hapū
Far North Holdings recognises iwi and hapū have a strong historical association with Te Hiku o Te Ika and in turn, the whenua (land) where many of FNHL assets or community projects lie.
FNHL acknowledges mana whenua have occupied this whenua over many generations, seeking to maintain their relationship with the land and sea. Far North Holdings is committed to having strong, respectful partnerships with mana whenua across all projects and developments across Te Hiku and Te Tai Tokerau.
in the media and across our community

Ngawha Innovation & Enterprise Park
A new kind of business park
Innovation, community & enterprise
Ngawha Innovation & Enterprise Park is a 280Ha business park located in the heart of the mid north.
Developed and managed by Far North Holdings, this collaborative business hub focuses on kaitiaki, skills based training, employment opportunities, circular economies and regional capability development.